If you need immediate help,
please dial 911
How To Help Someone Who Is Suicidal
Call 911, or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline -
What To Say:
“Things must really be awful for you to be feeling that way”
Let them know you are there to listen
Encourage them to share what they are feeling
Let them know that people sometimes feel like there is no answer, but that treatment can help them to feel better
Tell them you will support them to find help
Ask if they have a specific suicide plan. If they do, do not leave them alone, and take away any firearms, drugs, or objects they could use to hurt themselves. Take them to a doctor, mental health professional, or hospital emergency room, or call 911 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 for help
Remove means such as guns, knives or stockpiled pills
Calmly ask simple and direct questions, such as “Can I help you call your psychiatrist?” rather than, “Would you rather I call your psychiatrist, your therapist or your case manager?”
Talk openly and honestly about suicide. Don’t be afraid to ask questions such as “Are you having thoughts of suicide?” or “Do you have a plan for how you would kill yourself?”
If there are multiple people, have one person speak at a time
Ask what you can do to help
Don’t argue, threaten or raise your voice
Don’t debate whether suicide is right or wrong
If your loved one asks for something, provide it, as long as the request is safe and reasonable
If you are nervous, try not to fidget or pace
If your loved one is having hallucinations or delusions, be gentle and sympathetic, but do not get in an argument about whether the delusions or hallucinations are real
Do NOT Say:
"You have so much to live for"
“Think about how this will hurt your family”